Stack them high! Place a mound of these Hazelnut Shortbread Balls in your favorite serving dish, place them at the center of your table, and watch them...
For busy bakers, icebox cookies are indispensable: Whenever fresh, warm treats are called for, these orange delights can be popped into the oven for an...
The recipe is also a good base for any number of flavors. If using a nonstick pan, which heats up faster than a traditional one, go by the shorter baking...
This simple, not-too-sweet cookie recipe comes from author Elizabeth Gilbert's "At Home on the Range," a republication of her great-grandmother's 1947...
This recipe, one of Martha's favorites, is courtesy of Patrick Lemble, the former executive pastry chef at the legendary Four Seasons restaurant, in New...
To bake these cookies in one batch, you will need two madeleine pans. You can also bake them in two batches, cooling and buttering the pan between uses....
There are countless variations of these iconic spice cookies in Australia, where they're known as ginger nuts. Martha's version calls for a trifecta of...
Tuiles are thin, crisp almond cookies that are traditionally molded over a rolling pin, or another arched form, while they are still warm. Once set, their...
Scalloped shell-shaped madeleine pans are essential for this recipe from "Entertaining," by Martha Stewart. You can use confectioners' sugar to dust the...
Any dried fruit can be substituted for the raisins in these delicious cookies that make for the perfect snack. Be sure the cookies are completely cool...
A glass of milk is the ideal accompaniment to these drop cookies. Besides white chocolate, the cookies are also chockablock with oats, coconut, golden...
The sandwiches can be stored in the freezer, well wrapped in plastic, for up to 3 days; let them soften at room temperature for about 15 minutes before...
In these chocolate cookies, olive oil stands in for butter which results in a crisp texture and more intense cocoa flavor. A touch of honey in the dough...
Biscotti are perfect for dunking, so give them as a holiday gift in a cafe-au-lait bowl: Stand them in the bowl, stretch cellophane over the top to the...
Balls of spiced dough are rolled in buttery pistachios before being baked and filled with a decadent homemade maple cream. A sprinkling of flaky sea salt...
These cookies, pairing chocolate with cinnamon, take cues from classic Mexican flavors and go wonderfully with scoops of ice cream. You can also make bite-size...
These light-as-air almond macaroons are a perfect dessert for special occasions. The recipe comes from John Barricelli's "SoNo Baking Company Cookbook."Photo...
These fairytale-inspired mushrooms look like they were hand-delivered by Snow White herself. While these adorable treats do take a bit of time and patience...